Hope you all had a good rest since our last event. This is just a reminder about our next event on the calendar taking place on Sunday 19th March – online registration is open so please go to UPCOMING EVENTS and pre-register.
There is a full house of events on the programme – Standard, Half Sprint, Quarter Super-sprint, Long and Short minis – individuals and team entries welcome – as well as Trikids and Trisports. These races will be the FINAL events in the Series so last chance to get your points – end of season Prize Giving will be held on 26th March
START TIMES for Sunday may vary depending on race entry numbers but we will endeavour to stick to the published times as follows:
7.30AM – STANDARD DISTANCE – please pre-register if possible
7.50AM – HALF DISTANCE – please pre-register if possible
8.15AM – Trikids
8.30AM – Trisports
9.00AM – Short Mini Individuals and teams
9.30AM – Long Mini Individuals and teams 9.45AM – QUARTER DISTANCE – Individuals – AG entries (no series points)
Even if you pre-register online please ensure that you are at the Pool with sufficient time to complete registration and body marking procedures, get your bike into transition and attend your race briefing before your race starts.
A gentle reminder to ALL members to ensure that the $4 Annual Sportsman’s Levy is paid BEFORE the end of season on 26th March 2017. Trikids and Trisports competitors are also required to pay the levy – thank you to everyone who has paid since January – there are a lot of members whose contributions are still outstanding.
We would like to also take this opportunity to wish our Junior and Youth Triathlon Zimbabwe Team all the very best as they prepare to depart for South Africa on Friday to compete in the SA Championships at Aldam Resort on Sunday 19th – travel safe everyone and good luck to all of you – race hard, stay safe and enjoy the experience.
See you all on Sunday !!!