What a fantastic turnout yesterday for the first “Full House” event of the season – a huge warm welcome to all our new members – we hope you enjoyed your races yesterday and will be back again for the next event.
A very big thank you to the Falcon Boys who travelled so far to come and join us as well – great to have you back and look forward to seeing you next time.
Thank you all for your patience with the slight delays in the published start times – this was a trial run and we will revise the start times for the next big event and advise you in advance.
To save time on race day please consider using the pre-registration facility on the website for each event – or send an email to info@zimtri.org / triathlonzimbabwe@gmail.com – pre-payment of race entry fees also saves time if paying by ecocash. A gentle reminder to those who pledged to make payment of race entry fees and/or membership fees s to our Cabs account today – please remember to send the POP for our records and account purposes.
Results and Points for the Series events and the Corporate Team Challenge have been published here on the website (go to the home page and follow links under TRIATHLON)
The next event on our calendar is next weekend 29th September – the first in the new Off-Road Triathlon Series taking place at Lower Ncema Dam, Bulawayo – a few of the TZ Technical Officials will be travelling down to assist our Matabele counterparts and we encourage as many of you as possible to come and enter – this is a fantastic weekend away and great experience for the keen off-roaders –