Hope you are all having a good week – all the best to our youngsters who have started writing their public examinations.
Last weekend a team of Technical Officials and athletes travelled down to Bulawayo to assist and participate in the Ncema Off-Road Triathlon event – it was a great weekend and lots of fun was had by all. Our Matabele counterparts are very keen to get triathlon back on the map in Bulawayo and the volunteers and event organisers were very appreciative of our assistance and learned a lot. We had several entries in the Full, Half and Quarter distance and all our athletes did very well – the official results will be sent on to us in due course but congratulations must go to Dave, Brett, Andie, Marcel, Jordyn, Luke H and Josh who all placed either 1st, 2nd or 3rd in their respective events. We hope that next year there will be a much bigger contingent from Harare – it really is a great event.
A reminder that there is NO triathlon this weekend at Mount Pleasant Pool, however, we encourage you to head on down to Harare International School this Friday 5th October for a fun aquathlon event for Junior and Senior Schools – events start at 3.00pm with the Juniors, followed by the Seniors and ending off with the Adults event – please contact Pam Fulton onpamc@zim.co.zw for more details.
The Arundel Cycle Challenge is being held on Sunday 7th October – please see local press for more details.
Our next event at Mount Pleasant will be on SUNDAY 14TH OCTOBER – Full house of events with all Triathlon distances and Aquathlon. Triathlon events are SERIES and SELECTION RACES – please keep checking your email / website / social media for details on Race Day Schedule with approximate start times etc.,
Pre-registration online via the website or by email, and pre-payment of race entry / membership fees would be greatly appreciated – this saves a lot of time and minimises delays on race day at registration – please contact me if you have any queries.
Lastly, on behalf of the Executive and Non-Executive Boards, Technical Officials and all members of Triathlon Zimbabwe, we extend our sincere condolences to Bev and Demos Koutoungos and family on the loss of Bev’s dear Mum this week, our thoughts are with you at this very sad time.
Wishing you all a safe weekend, and see you all on 14th October.