As you all know our 2020-2021 Season was greatly disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequently, the banning of all sporting activities from January.  In March we were finally given approval by the Ministry of Sport and SRC to resume our activities and we have tried to give you as many as events as possible since then.

As a result, our published Season Calendar for period January – April was “thrown out of the window” and we rescheduled events for this period – 21st March, 28th March, 11th April, 25th April and 1st May to complete the 2020-2021 Season.  For the purposes of the SERIES POINTS and SEASON AWARDS, it has been decided that PENHALONGA 1ST MAY EVENT will be the final event of the 2020-2021 Season and the Series Points Log will be finalised after that event.  No Series points will be allocated for last Sunday 11th April Eves Tri-Fit Challenge event which was a sponsored team fun event.

As we will probably not be able to have the normal Prize Giving and Awards we will be awarding E-CERTIFICATES to this season’s Series Points recipients.  The Season and National Trophies will be awarded at Troutbeck on 25th September following the National Championship races.  ** A note to all 2019-2020 Trophy winners to please make sure your trophies have been engraved and returned to me by latest 1st September – any recipients who will be leaving Zimbabwe please remember to return your trophies before your departure.

We also propose the introduction of a DUATHLON SERIES/Championship for the 2021-2022 season and plan to have duathlon events once a month during the winter period – June, July and August at various venues eg Borrowdale Brooke, Donnybrook and perhaps Mount Pleasant with points being accumulated over the 3 events and Series awards for those with the highest points (full details still to be determined but this is the general idea) – by continuing into winter with no swimming, duathlons will enable all of you to keep your running and cycling levels up in preparation for Troutbeck in September.

We propose to start the 2021-2022 Triathlon events on or around 12th September followed by Troutbeck on 25th September.  The remainder of the season calendar for 2021-2022 will be finalised once the new Executive Board comes in following the AGM.  It is our sincere hope that the Interschools AQUATHLON SERIES will be reintroduced for the new season.

The date for the 33rd AGM is being finalised and will hopefully take place at the end of May or first weekend of June, the Notice will be published shortly,

If you have any queries please get in touch, have a great rest of the week, a safe and peaceful Independence holiday weekend and see you all again on 25th April at Mount Pleasant.

Triathlon Zimbabwe