Pre-event reminder that the next event at Mount Pleasant is this coming Sunday 18thMARCH.
As I am sure you are all aware, Carol Pakenham is away for the rest of the season so please could I ask that your pre-event entries be sent to caroline@dairymac.co.zw by 8.00pm on Saturday 17thMarch. Please make an effort to pre-register as it saves a lot of time on race day. Entry sheets for Juniors and Seniors are available should you require new templates – please contact Caroline Hawgood on email address above.
A reminder also that race entry fees should ideally be pre-paid if paying by bank transfer (send POP to info@zimtri.org and please bring a copy with you on Sunday) – or you can pay to the TZ Ecocash number 0784 519937 or in cash on race day. We do NOT have a Swipe/Pos machine yet so please make arrangements to pre-pay or bring cash. It must be appreciated that there are costs involved in staging events at Mount Pleasant and if we do not receive all the entry fees we are unable to cover these costs. If you know you still have outstandings please settle a.s.a.p
Ecocash – 0784 519937 – or pre-pay by bank transfer and send a copy of your POP to info@zimtri.org Alternatively pay in cash on race day – a reminder of fees :-
Aquathlon – $ 10 per team