Hope you all had a great weekend what ever you were doing. Thanks so much to everyone who turned out yesterday for our Fun Duathlon event at Mount Pleasant, was great to see so many of you and a warm welcome to our new members.
We do apologise again for the delays experienced with the scheduled start times for some of the races as a result of increased traffic volumes on the courses due to the Golden Girls Hockey Festival that was going on at Arundel School. We are sure that you still had a great race despite the delay. No timings were recorded but results/positions have been calculated and sent out as an attachment – you can view and download from Results & Points tab https://www.zimtri.org/results-points/
We plan another Duathlon event on 28th August 2022 at Mount Pleasant – if the pool is ready and the water not too cold, we will have triathlon and aquathlon events as well but this decision will be made closer to the time and we will advertise – so please DIARISE THE DATE NOW !!!
A reminder to all that your 2022-2023 Membership Fees are due on or before 30th September 2022, please contact our Treasurer Tim Major on email tjoamajor@gmail.com
Enjoy the rest of the school term and if you are going away on holiday, travel well and keep safe – look forward to seeing you all again at our next event