The DROP BOX facility at Rolf Vally Gym has been removed – please send in your entry details by email to info@zimtri.org
Friday 16th FEBRUARY – 4.15pm – (not on the schedule) – Dr Austin Jeans will be doing a WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) talk in the brieifing room at Troutbeck Inn. This is not compulsory but athletes of all ages and parents are encouraged to attend. Please complete your REGISTRATION AND CHECK-IN FORMALITIES before you attend the talk please as the cut off time is 5.00pm
TRIKIDZ, TRISPORTS AND AQUATHLON ENTRIES – there will be a registration table set up outside the Snooker Room for late registrations on Friday 16th February. Final registrations can be done on Saturday morning. AQUATHLON, TRIKIDZ AND TRISPORTS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE BRIEFING ON FRIDAY 16TH FEBRUARY – briefings will be done prior to the start of each race on Saturday morning. PLEASE REFER TO THE EVENT SCHEDULE – ALL TIMES ARE GIVEN