Not long to go now to the Schweppes Water Troutbeck ATU Triathlon African Cup, Zimbabwe National Championships and Troutbeck Mile Open Water Swim – hope you have all been training hard and looking forward to these fantastic events. We have a field of 13 Elite Men and 4 Elite Women coming from South Africa, Namibia, Mauritius, Morocco, Mexico, Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium, Turkey and Kazakhstan and a team of 15 Youth and Juniors coming from South Africa.
Thank you to all those who have sent in your entry forms and fees, booked your accommodation and made payments – to those who have not entered yet, the Early Bird Entry Fee date has passed but you can still enter and pay the Late Entry Fees (as per each event entry form). You can drop your entries and fees in the Drop Box at Rolf Valley Gym – the last day that I will be clearing the box will be MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY as I will not be in town after then – however, arrangements will be made for any forms left at the Gym after Monday to be brought to Troutbeck
START LISTS AS AT 09-02-2016 – for the Triathlon events and the Open Water Swim events are available to view and download – please navigate to TROUTBECK an follow the links. Please would you take the time to check that you have been entered into the correct event – please contact me immediately if there are any amendments
EVENT SCHEDULE – Please would you download this document and keep it handy as it gives a thorough breakdown of what will be happening on Friday 19th February and Saturday 20th February
Your attention is drawn particularly to the Registration and Packet Collection times and Compulsory Athletes Briefings on Friday 19th February – if you are going to be delayed for any reason, you are to please advise the LOC – either by email to triathlonzimbabwe@gmail.com or to mobile number 0772 410344
The LONG RANGE WEATHER FORECAST for Troutbeck for the weekend of our event is also available to view and download
AWARDS DINNER FUNCTIONS – for catering purposes please could you let me know if you would like to attend – tickets are $ 30 a head for the Main Function and $15 a head for the U18 Buffet function Tickets can be purchased at Troutbeck – please see Tammy Benade or Carol Pakenham in the Brown Trout Room – preferably on Friday 19th February
If you have any queries please contact me,