Update from Coach Pam – Everyone slept well and went for a morning run, the girls went for a cycle whilst the boys rested. Unfortunately unable to use the pool facilities for swim training so the gang went exploring around the Athletes Village and surrounds. Plans to visit the race venue this evening are in place.
As well as enjoying the entertainment in the Athletes Village today we also did some race preparation. Early morning run, followed by bike session just outside the village and a visit to our race venue for a swim.
All going well and races are due to be held as follows
SATURDAY 24TH AUGUST – ELITE WOMEN – 10.01 am (11.01 am Zim time) – Laurelle Brown and Andie Kuipers
SATURDAY 24 AUGUST – ELITE MEN – 12.01 pm (13.01 pm Zim time) – Matthew Denslow and Jordyn Jacobs
SUNDAY 25TH AUGUST – MIXED TEAM RELAY – 11.01 am (12.01 pm Zim time) – Matthew, Jordyn, Laurelle and Andie racing
For more event information click on the following links –